Drs. Essink and Overcash Author Article Featured in Nature Communications for Moderna COVE Study

Brandon Essink, MD, CPI, and J. Scott Overcash, MD, were authors of a recent Nature Communications article, “Long-term safety and effectiveness of mRNA-1273 vaccine in adults: COVE trial open-label and booster phases.”

From the article: “Boosting elicited greater immune responses against SARSCoV-2 than primary vaccination, irrespective of prior SARS-CoV-2 infection. Primary vaccination and boosting with mRNA-1273 demonstrated acceptable safety, effectiveness and immunogenicity against COVID-19, including emergent variants.”

Congratulations to Moderna, the patients, and all Velocity sites that supported this research program!

Link: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-024-50376-z

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