Julio Rosenstock, MD Co-Authored an Article Published in NEJM

Another positive step in obesity research: Julio Rosenstock, MD, is a co-author of an article now featured on The New England Journal of Medicine homepage, and in the publication’s weekend email briefing. From the article, Daily Oral GLP-1 Receptor Agonist Orforglipron for Adults with Obesity: “At week 26, the mean change from baseline in body weight ranged from −8.6% to −12.6% across the orforglipron dose cohorts and was −2.0% in the placebo group. At week 36, the mean change ranged from −9.4% to −14.7% with orforglipron and was −2.3% with placebo.”

Dr. Rosenstock is a distinguished Principal Investigator and directs Velocity’s site in Dallas, TX. He is also a leader of Velocity’s Diabetes and Obesity CARE Council, which develops best practices to guide patient recruitment, screening, trial conduct, and retention strategies for all Velocity sites.

NEJM article: https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa2302392

Diabetes and Obesity CARE Council: https://velocityclinical.com/diabetes-obesity-care-council/

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