Paul Evans Featured in Business North Carolina Article on AI in the State’s Clinical Research Industry

Paul Evans was recently featured in a Business North Carolina article discussing the emerging impact of artificial intelligence on North Carolina’s clinical research industry.

As Paul notes, “Our industry is in the same place as most people with AI. We’ve seen a step change. Everybody started with efficiency gains, back-office functions. Then you move on to how you use AI to transform the industry.”

Under Paul’s leadership — and with a technology hub in Hyderabad, India — Velocity Clinical Research continues to be at the forefront of innovation, navigating the complexities of AI integration while maintaining a rapid growth trajectory. With 90 sites across the U.S., U.K., Germany, and Poland, and a database of over 1 million patients, Velocity is poised to leverage AI for future advancements in clinical trials.

Read the full article:

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